A little about me!
For as long as I can remember I have always wanted to be an artist. As a young child I could be seen with a pencil or paintbrush in my hand, looking for anything to doodle on, no barbies for this girl. So it was no surprise when I decided to be a graphic artist. After many years in the field, I now work as a full time artist.
Growing up the amazing Kootenay Region of British Columbia has been a blessing. The beauty of our area and the abundant wildlife has greatly influenced my art in so many ways, making wildlife one of my favorite subjects. The use of bright and vibrant colours and unique style has helped me stand out, making it possible to sell my work abroad. You can find my art as far away as Australia, South Africa and other countries.
As a self taught artist, I’m always experimenting with new mediums. I love the process of learning and trying new things, therefore my portfolio is continually changing. I work in many different mediums including acrylic, watercolour, mixed media, colour pencil, and fluid art, with my work ranging from realism to abstract.
You can also find me hosting paint parties or paint nights. This a fun time out for anyone from beginners to those with some painting experience... it’s fun art, not fine art! If you are interested or want to book an event please contact for me more detaisl.
After over 20 years in the beautiful Creston Valley, I have relocated to the West Kootenays, just outside Castlegar BC. I'm excited to see what adventures await me!
To see what I’m up to follow me on facebook, instagram and TikTok.